Nourish Your Mind, Body, & Soul with Goodness

Krista Nelson's Blog

Let’s Get Started


bing freedomThe benefits will exceed your expectations!

What I do

I provide confidence and manifestation coaching. As you may have guessed, confidence and manifestation coaching is all about clarifying, setting, and reaching/exceeding goals, but for my clients it’s also about having a sounding board, a listening ear, and a dedicated accountability partner.

My Clients

I am coaching a woman right now who wants to manage her money, overcome financial anxiety, secure a sanctuary-type dwelling, and publish a memoir. Another client is looking at a three-year retirement plan. We are manifesting her second career as an practitioner of Yoga and Ayurveda as well as a Disc Jockey. I coached a woman who had nearly given up on herself as a painter after motherhood and “putting food on the table” became the priority. As a result of my coaching a newly married young man improved his sense of self worth and realized his dream of taking his wife on an island vacation. My clients may be very different from one another other in age, income, and dreams, but they have the willingness to invest in themselves through coaching in common.

Request your first free session on the website HERE

My Mission

I know that to manifest your dream life you have to want that dream life, believe that it is possible, and be ready to receive it. These three elements are the fundamental drivers behind the focus, selection, and use of my coaching tools and techniques.


  1. Create Your Dream Life (Most Flexible)

You pick the focus and set the pace. Brainstorming. Sounding Board. Accountability Partner. One-hour long sessions are held over the phone or SKYPE with email and text support. $147.00 each session. Pay as you go.

  1. Create Your Dream Life in Steps or Less (Most Rewarding)

12-weekly sessions (minimum) using my six-step process detailed in my book “Create Your Dream Life in 6 Steps or Less”.  We examine limiting beliefs, set goals with breakthrough events and action steps, identify motivating rituals, and develop a happiness kit. Sessions are held over the phone or SKYPE with email and text support. After establishing a life purpose statement we engage in the following practices:

  •  Journaling
  • Mindfulness Journaling
  • Identifying Preferences Journaling
  • Meditation and Gratitude Journaling
  • Dream Life Journaling
  • Maintaining a high life condition by nourishing your mind, heart, and soul with goodness as you expand your intellect, get inspired, and learn to love yourself more deliberately

  1. Capturing the Dream

Your newly created dream life is exercised and stretched. The following practices are included:

  • Marketing
  • Meditation
  • Gratitude
  • Acting As If
  • Dream Life Journaling
  • Maintaining a high life condition by nourishing your mind, heart, and soul with goodness as you expand your intellect, get inspired, and learn to love yourself more deliberately

24-week minimum to include program prerequisite Create The Dream in Steps or Less.

  1. Crushing the Dream 

Your captured dream life is leveraged to help others The following practices are included:

  • Publishing
  • Public Speaking
  • Marketing
  • Meditation
  • Gratitude
  • Creative Envisioning
  • Acting As If
  • Dream Life Journaling
  • Maintaining a high life condition by nourishing your mind, heart, and soul with goodness as you expand your intellect, get inspired, and learn to love yourself more deliberately

36 – week minimum to include prerequisites Create Your Dream Life in Steps or Less and Capturing the Dream.

New Program

Create Your Dream Life while Communing with Nature 

Create Your Dream Life in Steps or Less (see program details above) with special focus on nature and its particular impact on you. Weekly sessions are conducted in-person outdoors, weather permitting.

Thanks for reading through this overview. I wanted to get all this information out in front of you so we could use it to put together a coaching system that is perfect for you. I have recently opened my schedule to accommodate 4 additional clients. Yay!

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays are preferred. Let’s talk about what works best for you.

Please, please, please do not let my preferred days or your view of cost keep us from working together. There is so much to gain. If you would like to talk with one of my current clients just let me know. I am sure they would be happy to encourage you and answer any questions you might have for them.

Complete the form below to join a great group of people who will receive my new  ebook, “THAW”, that is filled with beautiful photographs, a story about one of my clients, and how you can use your imagination to improve home, work, or play.  I do not share info or email addresses.  |

4 comments on “Let’s Get Started

  1. Joyce Wheeler
    September 4, 2014

    I am on the same path listening to Bob Proctor as I type this.


  2. Sylvia Harrod Blackwell
    December 23, 2014

    “If you believe you can do it you will”
    Your determination and creative spirit are to be admired.
    Love from a devoted fan,


  3. tortue de terre hermann
    January 18, 2015

    Pour s’en débarrasser, elle est souvent lâchée dans la nature, sans égard pour la faune locale.


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